My daughter, now 11, was not interested in reading until she was ~8. Then it was like a switch was flipped and she is constantly reading, re-reading, and looking for new stuff to read.

And be warned that quiet/shy does not equate to not gifted. People are often surprised that my daughter has skipped two grades, because she is such a "nice" and "normal" kid; who is polite to adults, doesn't act out, and does not act like a stereo-typical nerd.

One anecdote from a psychologist testing my daughter, was that the psychologist made the mistake of showing her surprise at how well my daughter did on a set of questions; the psychologist said she immediately saw my daughter rein in her effort to conform with what my daughter thought to be "normal".

Sometimes a bright kid can learn how to not stick out, and can hide their ability in an effort to fit in.


For gifted children, doing nothing is the wrong choice.