Since her meltdown, DD has been happy to go to school, has no longer expressed being overwhelmed. We have given her some challenges/goals outside of school for her to try and reach to see if she can focus on other things rather than academics.
We are working on perseverance in her effort with tae kwondo and practicing to increase her stamina and strength. Since this is the first thing she has really liked for physical activity, we will reward her with either a fish or turtle or hermit crab if she can show constant improvement and effort toward her next 3 belts. (She saw some kids demonstrate some of the stuff they learn in black belt classes and she wants to be able to do that now, so there is also an intrinsic motivation now.)
I think as she has adjusted to her new understanding of who she is, she is actually accepting it more. She has also started to realize that her little sister is gifted too and she seems to like the idea that she isn't "the only one" in the family.