Day one went well. DD has a couple of different students assigned to make sure she gets to where she needs to go for the next few days. When I asked her how her first day went she said "well, it went pretty well actually." wink For her that is almost as high praise as you get these days.
Apparently her teachers' all have different thoughts about her being in their classes. One is super excited at the challenge of educating her, one is nervous about trying to teach her and how to differentiate for her and the third is not at all concerned with the class work, but is concerned about the social aspect.
The other kids asked her how old she was and when she told them she was 8 a few of them couldn't believe it.

We'll see how tomorrow goes - we do 100 minute block schedules, so she'll have all 3 of her classes for 100 minuets each with 10 minutes break between periods 1 and 2 and then lunch and then 3rd period. I think she will be wiped by the time she gets done.