DS turned 5 in November. He tests borderline PG on the wppsi, and almost as close on the SB-V.

He had a rough first year of preschool in Montessori, and we decided to keep him home this year because he is a Nov. birthday, and according to our state, should start K this fall. We did get him accepted to a gifted school early for K, but it was a 35 min commute, and all day every day K. DS also suffers from multiple food allergies, so that was another big reason we decided to wait. I had originally planned on him skipping K, but it doesn't look like that is an option right now, there are no spots at the school in 1st.

When I learned that DS would need to start in K, I had all but decided that we would just keep him home and home school him for the foreseeable future.

On Thurs, DS had an appt with the psychologist, who told me that homeschooling would not be good for him and that we should consider medicating his ADHD before even starting kindergarten to "save his reputation."

I didn't ask why he thought homeschooling would be bad, I was too focused on the medication discussion. My DS is borderline ADHD on his worst day, most that know him don't even see a problem. It's just his teachers from last year and I that noticed he has trouble focusing for any length of time. He still has trouble, and some symptoms, but I'd at least like to give the kid a chance to try school without it. (He isn't hyper, he most likely has the ADHD-Inattentive) We filled out the diagnostic questionnaire and DS did have mostly 2's and some threes. 1 or 2 "0's." LOL

I'm guessing its a "socialization" argument, which to be honest doesn't really hold water with me. DS would be in different grades for reading and math ideally, and he would have to sit alone at lunch because of his food allergies. And lets not forget all the parties and activities he will be either left out of, or feel left out of.

We've been working on at least a 1st grade level already, I have this horrible feeling that he will go, be bored and act out, and then I will hear that he needs medication.

I have nothing against medication, I was just surprised that the dr would suggest starting it before school. DS's problems don't seem to be that limiting, but I guess I'm no expert.

What I'm strongly considering is getting him a neuropsych eval. The psych we see now kind of dismissed the accuracy of testing for ADHD, but I'm pretty nervous about medicating on just a checklist.

Any tips or advice?

Last edited by Amber; 03/10/12 05:11 PM.

I can spell, I just can't type on my iPad.