Thanks, Cricket! DS2 is slightly on older side for 6th though (as we have learned the hard way w/DS1) most families in our district w/May-onward birthdays do not send their kiddos to school when age-eligible. Our cut-off is Sept 1 and DS has many (many!) classmates who are b-days from summer prior. This is timely, given the other thread going on this topic!

I would need to investigate the portfolio option, but DS is much more of a reader & "thinker" than do-er of anything aside from soccer, basketball, baseball & his musical instruments ;-) He has started writing a novel for his GT class activity and it's pretty darn good , IMO. But it's only in the initial stages, so doubt it's worthy of submission. For so many reasons, I'd love to have a real "read" on his IQ, but would likely need to travel a good distance to see the right person. I had decided to wait for EXPLORE scores as an indicator of whether or not re-testing was even something to consider. His testing school made such a point of stressing that DS had "barely" made the GT cut-off that I have always wondered about his true abilities on a full WISC, with a psych we could fully trust to "get" DS.