Oh man, I've tried everything! I didn't mean to imply that my current solution is the only one.

I've showed her how to catch the fuzzies, explained to her how much bigger she is than them, showed her what each one is (it's amazing how many odd little fuzzy things and specks of this and that can be in a clean bathtub -- even if I use the shower to rinse the tub first, something still shows up from the washrag or one of her bath toys). I put bubbles in every time I can get away with it, because it keeps her from seeing things, but she doesn't want bubbles much lately. I've tried showing her how cute the fuzzies are, because she's a sucker for tiny, cute things.

She does take a shower about half the time, which works better, but she loves to play in the bath -- except for the blasted fuzzy things and hairs. Arrrgh!