Originally Posted by Austin
Originally Posted by Dude
For example, with the black group making over $100k being so small in comparison to the corresponding white group, high-income individuals in industries like sports and entertainment, where education and success are not necessarily correlated, will have an outsized effect on the overall statistics for that group.

LOL. What planet are you from?

I'm from a planet where people know how to read numbers, because:

"7 percent of all black test takers were from families with incomes of more than $100,000. The comparable figure for white test takers is 27 percent."

And since blacks only make up 18% of the US population, and a smaller percentage of blacks take the SAT than whites, it's not very hard to deduce that one of these groups is smaller than the other one.

Originally Posted by Austin
Just about everyone I've hired the last few months makes that much or more. None are any good at sports, though. (And none are white or asian.) And the young physician I dated years ago made 200K.

This man is very bright. I am sure he makes middle six figures.


Anecdotal evidence fail, we're talking about statistics.

Originally Posted by Dude
On the topic of EQ versus IQ, here's a study that says these five personality attributes trump IQ on job performance: extroversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, agreeableness and openness to new experiences.

Full story

A good manager can get all kinds of people to work together. In jobs requiring a high degree of problem solving ability, you will need smarter people. The affable people are the glue to bond everyone. The right mix is important. Managing egos is important too. [/quote]

In some jobs, yes, but what the article says is that the smarter people who also have those five attributes will perform better, and those who are not quite as smart but also have those five attributes will do better than someone smarter who does not.