I was reading through some threads and saw a discussion about dyspraxia. In so many ways this seems to define my dd. The Dyspraxia Foundation has a list of symptoms for a 7 year old:


By 7 years old
Problems may include:

Difficulties in adapting to a structured school routine
Difficulties in Physical Education lessons
Slow at dressing. Unable to tie shoe laces
Barely legible handwriting
Immature drawing and copying skills
Limited concentration and poor listening skills
Literal use of language
Inability to remember more than two or three instructions at once
Slow completion of class work
Continued high levels of motor activity
Hand flapping or clapping when excited
Tendency to become easily distressed and emotional
Problems with co-ordinating a knife and fork
Inability to form relationships with other children
Sleeping difficulties, including wakefulness at night and nightmares
Reporting of physical symptoms, such as migraine, headaches, feeling sick


My DD7 is VERY, VERY social. She has great relationships with other kids and is also very verbal. She likes the routine at school but can be upset by it if a particular teacher is too rigid. I also think she has good concentration and listening skills. Otherwise this list desribes her very well. (The description of younger children was also very close other than the fact that she LOVED creative and imaginative play, was always very social and had no problems with verbal instructions.) She has always been very comfortable with adults but has always eagerly sought out kids as playmates.

No one has mentioned Dypaxia as a possibility yet but I am wondering if it is worth considering. Are the social and verbal aspects an intregral part? I don't really understand the connection to a movement/coordination disorder.

We will have to have her neuropsych eval redone in a few month since the first one was considered invalid. Is this where I would raise the question or should I ask about it at my next meeting at school? She is already in take out for reading, OT, speech and anxiety. We are trying to get the migraines under control and have no answer yet on the possible seizure disrder. We are also seeing an orthodontist this afternoon because her dentist thinks a dental issue may be at the root of the headaches.

I HATE the idea of adding yet another thing to the list of issues but if it is a real possibility it needs to be explored - right?

Please wise members of the forum please tell me if what I have described to you over the past few months looks like it could be dyspraxia. Or can I rule it out as a possibility because of the social, verbal or other aspects. Would an OT have picked up on this or is it a "specialty" diagnosis?

Thanks in advance for all input.