The book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck talks about this.

After reading that book years ago, I made sure to always praise my dd's effort and hard work rather than inborn talent especially when others try to call her a prodigy or talented. Effort and hard work are things a child can control so praising those can be positive reinforcement. They cannot control their inborn traits so praising those is useless and can lead to perfectionism or avoidance of challenge.
I am also very specific with praise. For example, rather than telling her a performance was wonderful, I will comment on her use of dynamics or how she worked hard to get a certain shift just right or I will comment on how she worked through a difficult math problem.

We are honest with dd about the fact that some things come more easily to her than to other kids but also discuss the fact that different people have different talents and challenges.