Well, you said quite a lot there. Some very profound thoughts and clearly passionate emotion in that post. Here's my thoughts:

My understanding is that the US public education system developed out of a need for literate employees during the industrial revolution. So I would have to say that to some extent I agree with you that our education system is designed to "educate into submission" so to speak. While there appear to be exceptions here and there, I would have to say that by and large our educational system produces drones, or some version thereof.

I've heard that teachers are often driven to control the gifted students in their class because they realize that the kids know more than they do. I believe this to be true. It takes a well adjusted, well educated and well informed teacher to teach gifted kids without becoming defensive or controlling. It is a rare teacher who knows how to "teach how to learn." Most only know how to teach facts. IMO

Interesting comment from my adult son (who fits the description of gifted underachiever) regarding my younger son's acceleration to first grade by skipping kindergarten: "What's the difference, really. I mean, someday he'll be working for a boss who didn't learn to read until he was 6 or 7." Reflective my older son's frustration with the educational system or just reality? I don't know, I just thought it was an interesting comment.