I've been accused of being an avid thinker from time to time, among other related accusations. If you've met me in person, you'll understand. It is time for the Gifted population of this country, children and adults, to make a stand against the oppression and discrimination towards our potential. We were all raised to believe schools can help us towards our potential, but truth is, school is a place that teaches submission to authority even if they are wrong and unjust. Schools teach us how to be controlled by society. Independant thought such as idealism and theory is not tolerated and will be represented by the system as a poor grade or test score. This country is conditioning our children into a race of drones. If you are a gifted person, you've most likely spent your life rejecting this injustice of social control. And with sorrow, I also know you have paid the price for this fight. Freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of speech,.... it's all an illusion. Ask yourself a few questions; where are all the the "smart" people you grew up with? What are they doing with their life? Where are all the popular people who had good grades that you grew up with, and what are they doing with their lives? You'll be suprised to find that the popular people are the bosses over the smart people. If smart people supposedly are so well off, then why do they drop out of school? Why are they working as laborers in factories? Fact: A gifted person is less controlable in society and are actively discriminated against because of this. Currently in our country, the only chance a gifted person has in persuing their potential is to be born into a rich family because the government and the education system refuses to acknowledge giftedness as being anything other than a social power-struggle. Do you agree/disagree with this? Want to comment on the subject? Send me a message or email me at colemjm1@hotmail.com