I really wouldn't worry about the results of the MAP testing. There was a pretty big jump between his spring math testing from last year and the fall math testing from this year -- yes, it could have been an awesome summer, but his fall math score could have just been "artificially" high (excellent "guessing") and his winter score could be the "accurate" one...or something distracted him or was bugging him during the winter one he took a few weeks ago, and his score should actually be higher. He may have been more confident in his ability to read this time, so he didn't listen to the test "read" the questions to him as much as he has previous times, so he may have missed a few things just because he misread something. I always caution parents against reading too much into MAP test scores, especially ONE test result. We want to see growth over time, but HAVE to allow for the "little bumps" and "big hills" along the way.