Thank you polarbear for your response.

In some ways my ds sounds a bit like your daughter. He started to read in preschool too, though toward the end at about age 4 1/2 and progressed fairly well until this year. He has seemed to hit a wall a bit. Though maybe as you mentioned that is how reading typically develops in spurts and he has yet to hit his next spurt :-). He does well when reading out load and I do not notice any obvious issues when I hear him read however he does not particularily like to sit and read. Maybe that is an indication in and of itself?

I have noticed this year that he has gotten more into sports and have seen big gains in his motor skills. His focus is now on more physical activities where he used to be the chid who would love to sit and draw mazes and do puzzles. Maybe he is just switching gears on me! :-)

Thank you for your insight. I am definitely going to keep my eye out for any signs of a possible issue.