Great advice lmp. I think it's wonderful that your DD8 has friends who share her interests regardless of their ages. It can be so challenging for gifted kids to find their way.

In DS12's perfect world, he would be back at his elementary school with his other TAG friends - with his amazing teacher who would be moving them through high school curriculum by now.

Alas, after many years of threats the district was really going to close the school, the teacher moved to a different building and this little bubble of happiness became a charter. His friends stayed at the school hoping it would be the answer. It wasn't.

I know he misses the intellectual stimulation.

I'm certain the district will refuse to accelerate him another grade, but they may agree to let him take a few classes at the high school. Aside from being a small district, the education here is woefully behind the rest of Oregon. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around highly gifted kids.

We will need to have a conversation with DS but I don't think he'd want to be in school all day with the older kids. Socially he seems comfortable. He kept his academic level to himself until another student from his elementary mentioned he skipped 6th grade and was in high school algebra. Apparently he got a lot of comments but most of them were positive.

One kid often refers to DS as his favorite 6th grader. It cracks up DS as this kid is quite small and DS is almost 5' 7".

Last edited by Agent99; 02/03/12 02:28 PM.