Originally Posted by Madoosa
How do I word it to the school? I can only see three solutions:
1. grade skip (it will work temporarily as he settles to writing, formal school etc for grade 1, but he is essentially on a grade 2/3 level AFAIK)
2. Give him the real work promised. He told his teacher he wants multiplication, he has not done anything remotely similar.
3. pull out and homeschool.
please help!

For the school show them work samples that are done in his own handwriting.

For DH, consider using some of the money you were spending on school for a tutor/babysitter - some way to get your a break and some babytime.

(I believe that what the littler ones get from being part of a pack far outweighs what they get from mommy-alone time, but this isn't the time to try and convinse DH. Instead find out what his actual concerns are and try to find measurable outcomes as ways to monitor if in fact DS is turning into a spoiled brat (or whatever) )

Good luck!

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