So I feel like a broken record. Every time we have one of these guidance meetings I have to tell the school why it is important for my son to be accelerated to the fourth grade. It's usually unanimous that they don't think he's ready, and it's always because of social emotional development. They've repeatedly told me that academically they're not concerned, that he is doing well, however I've seen no progress through this entire year...certainly not because of anything that has been done at school. There are certain assignments he just refuses to do, and frankly i understand. They are insultingly unchallenging and unindpiring. I know that the classroom that he will be going into in fourth grade is absolutely wonderful. The teacher is fabulous and will be perfect for him. So I'm going in today to ask that they move him now to the fourth grade rather than waiting until next school year. They're going to tell me that he's not ready because they are not seeing him working independently and the lower elementary classroom now. They see him as immature, and he can be. However, he is the kid that models what is going on around him. The thing is, if he is required to behave mire maturely, he will rise to the challenge, especially if positive peer pressure is applied by older students. If he sees older peers working independently and quietly he will be inclined to do the same thing. Why won't they just give him a chance?! Any words of wisdom or "key words" I can include in my advocacy for acceleration? I would be happy with subjuct/part day accelleration too. Thank you!!