my dd is 7. She will exhibit some of the same stuff. And sometimes I let it ride. She was reading some of the stuff, above grade level, but just until she exhausted it and had to move on. We do online math, and I find that works. She can do the math so easily and it makes her work. I also find pushing her is a necessary habit. Having been one where it was so easy and getting bad habits, I refuse to let that happen to her.

Hence she is overscheduled and she is active but now with jazz and ballet. Being a girl. And she has an active dog. She does piano, practice she hates, but I make her so she does it well. She is very talented. She takes Chinese extracurricular, spanish in school. We take her to Philharmonic concerts and Jazz with Winton Marsalis -- those she loves. Ballets.

Exhausting her brain and her body is what is necessary. Since she is into dance, she can dance to her Selena Gomez, et al CDs and get a work out.

You have to get to know your kid and having a brilliant kid can mean a lot of different things. I was an extrovert, high energy kid that could do math but didn't care but translated that into high energy money making stuff on Wall Street. I can see my kid doing the same. Though I needed to marry a doctor to balance my kinetic being into something riskaverse and steady. Otherwise I was on my way to total burnout.
