Thanks - He says he has no friends, but I also hear stories about playing with the same group of boys pretty much every day at recess. More than once he's gotten upset because he thinks the other kids in class are laughing at him, when the teacher swears no one was even looking at him - they were just sitting at their desks not paying him any mind. I think a lot of that is negativity run amok in his over-active mind.

I've got him scheduled to take the WJIII on the 31st, and I'm waiting on a callback from a psychologist I found who appears to take our insurance and can do a full neuropsych eval. The waiting is hard though! Two weeks is a lifetime for him.

We've also had several talks with him about what makes him upset and what he wants and what would make him happy, etc. He's said before he wants to have friends and he wants to be 'normal.' frown He's smart enough to know that the things he does in school, especially, are not normal - specifically how upset he gets at little things, and his tantrums, but he doesn't seem to be able to control them much.

I've got a friend who lives about 45mins away who has a little boy only like 1 month younger than DS. The boys get along REALLY well, but we don't get together very often due to the drive. (Plus, she is not a confidant driver and as a result, hates driving and tries to limit it, so it's me driving to her for visits.) I am going to try plan visits with her more often so the boys can play. She also has a DD the same age as mine, so it really works out well, the boys play legos or video games and the girls run wild (lol) while we chat and have a drink. I think spending more one-on-one time with another boy his age (who is also wicked smart) who has similar interests will help.
