Do some teachers really do compacting, but that seems like extra work for just one kid. And then the kid literally wouldn't fit in any box...would be outta step with the same grade kids, outta step with the next grade kids.

Giftodd, I feel ya. Sometimes my boy acts like he doesn't know an apple from a Lego, then another time it all comes pouring out blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... He knows a ton. I guess this is why achievement testing or iq testing comes in.

I also think this is where a little video of her working it out at home can help you explain better than your words can... But is the school really going to help anyway? Didn't you just say they have a tall poppy culture down under?

Also, would it help your daughter to use pretend play, make believe that when the teacher asks a question that the teacher really doesn't know the answer so your daughter has to teach it to her. (snipped that idea off the board, filed it in memory under neat idea. Son's not in school, haven't used it yet.)

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar