Thanks for your thoughts. Sigh... I wish we could subject accelerate or compact in maths, the problem we have at the moment is that the school doesn't get a chance to see what she can do in math. She worries about her computation and so if someone asks her something simple she panics and spurts out random answers. They've graded her grades ahead with all her conceptual maths stuff, but working mathematically they say is at grade level (so far they have insisted that this isn't cause for conceern and doesn't need following up...) Where as at home, she knows I don't care if she gets an answer wrong if she's given it a go and so she doesn't freeze, or if she does I just reminder she knows (I literally just calmly say 'you know this') and then she remembers/figures it out straight away. But of course the school doesn't know what she knows, because she doesn't show them, so they don't prompt her, etc.

We're having some achievement testing done later this year so hopefully (if she answers then) this will provide us with some ammunition for subject acceleration or compacting (I'm a fan of compacting too, though we have done a lot of that at home - we haven't really skipped anything)

Thanks again.

Last edited by Giftodd; 01/16/12 02:28 AM. Reason: Didn't have time to re-read before posting by phone. Auto correct sure has some interesting ideas...

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke