DS9 did his testing (WISC and WIAT) in 3 sessions over a couple of weeks. The neuropsychologist that did his testing said that when looking at the WIAT scores in comparison to the GAI, any difference of more than 15 points is most likely due to a learning disability. In fact, I think that is what the educational system uses to define a learning disability. In our state, the difference has to be 30 points in high school, but only 15 points in elementary school.

Is it possible that ADHD is the only thing getting in the way here? I'm not sure. Possibly? I ended up having someone from a local school for dyslexic children look over DS9's test results. She poured over all the details, looked at his written answers and ultimately made the dyslexia diagnosis. I was floored because he reads well above grade level. But once I started researching stealth dyslexia, it described him perfectly. I'm not trying to suggest that that is what is going on with your child, just suggesting that you make sure you get the answers you are looking for because I don't think it is "normal" to have such a discrepancy between WISC and WIAT.