My 16 m old has made a few random sentences over the past few months, but she's by no means fluently talking. "I dee-it, I mmm." (I did it. I moo.) She always points to the animal pictures in books and calls them all "moo" or "ruff", depending if they're more like a dog or a cow. One time she pointed to a giraffe and very clearly said, "elephant".
Lately she's noticing the similarity between "up" and "poop". She'l say the one she means, then say the other a few times, then use the one she means. I can't tell if she's trying to recall the right word, or if she just likes that they sound similar.
Like I said in the other thread, she has used more words than you'd think. But she still mainly squeaks for "gimme" and squawks for "no".
Plus she'll go for days pointing to everything, asking what it is, and copying you. Then she loses steam.
She's very excellent at being cute.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar