Multiage classes will be very interesting next year with the introduction of the new uniform national Australian curriculum too. My DD school nearly disbanded all their multiage classes for next year due to it's introduction. The curriculum is extremely specific about exactly what is taught, how often assessed etc. My DD will be in a 6/7 multiage and I have to now officially apply for language arts subject acceleration for her to do Yr 7 work in the classroom ( she is enrolled in dist Ed Yr 9 math so no problem.) Evidently any year 6 student MUST do the stated curriculum and assessment to the exact letter for year 6. Don't really know what this will mean for gifted kids. Previous years no problem, she just worked with the top level kids in the year above.

I agree with the new curriculum standardization across states to make it easier for families to relocate as regards education, but the implications of this very specific curriculum is a bit of an unknown at this stage..... Well so I have heard anyhow !!