DD#2 is 5.5yrs, has done mid year entry to K and at a high end private school that is not working that well for her.

She has a FSIQ of 146, but her eye behaviour/co-ordination is slightly below average for age so she did not learn to read independently on her own as a small child, but was taught over the last 6 months (she did learn the alphabet by name and sound in and out of order at 2), but has learned WAY faster than her peers, and her handwriting is age/schooling lvl appropriate.

We have looked at a whole bunch of schools and narrowed it down to the local public and a Montessori which is also fairly close. She has had trial days at both, she prefers the local public but says she wishes she could go to three schools....

Socially "safer" : 5.5yr old going into the 6-9yr old room she would be the youngest by 6+ months but would have a range of kids (girls particularly) to befriend starting from a little older through to a lot older.
Work : Montessori done well is all about individual work, I certainly feel they assessed her strengths and weaknesses very well in 1/2 a day and pitched to her level.
Will be more practical in 2013 if #3 goes to preschool there (very likely)
smaller classes (24 max)
great outdoor play, which DD liked

$6k p/a compared to free
DD chooses the local public

Local Public
It's her choice / favourite, and she has met the teacher she would have next year
closer and more practical for co-ordinating with her big sister's school
better for getting to know the local community, play dates etc
awesome principle (Monti principle also excellent)

Socially riskier: 5.5yr old going into a yr1/2 composite class where all the yr1s are boys and all the yr2s are girls, full 2yr age gap before the next girl in the class.
Work : they will differentiate, but how much? Particularly given her handwriting weakness (assessed as exactly age/education level appropriate, which is 6 mths of K).
bigger classes (28-30)

Last edited by MumOfThree; 12/07/11 08:08 PM.