My DS7 (dyspraxia/dysgraphia) took a group class on learning to ride a bike with 3 other children who had similar issues. The OT had a great method and all the kids were riding independently at the end of the 6 classes. Here is what she did:

-no training wheels
-take off the pedals for the first 3 classes
-lower the seat so both feet are flat on the ground
-use a bike that is a bit too small for the child
-practice going around in a large circle (drawn in chalk, diameter of 10 feet or so) balancing and pushing along with the inside leg. Do this in both directions.
-practice doing s-shaped movements around pylons, so you have to switch balance from one foot to the other
-after the alternate foot balancing exercises described above, practice gliding with both feet held off the ground. Some kids found this scary, but the teacher was standing at the end to catch them if needed
-after a couple of weeks of this, she put the pedals back on and added the pedalling movement to the gliding exercise -- and they were biking!!

I almost cried when I saw the first boy who pedalled alone the length of the parking lot. He looked so happy and proud!

Last edited by Verona; 12/04/11 07:55 PM.