DS9 has not learned to ride a bike yet. He's had a couple of them -- one that we bought him and one that he won at school, but the one we bought was eventually given to a neighbor kid and the one he won he won't ride but won't part with either.

He did show a bit of interest this summer when his sister got a bike with training wheels, and he rode it all around in the house and some outside, but it's so little for him it's not like he has to balance, and it still has training wheels anyway. We may try the training wheels on his bike next summer, if he still wants to try.

He inherited his balance from me, I'm afraid. The stomach thing made sense to me, because I can feel the stomach muscles if I think about how to balance on a bicycle -- maybe that's a thing used by people who have a lousy sense of balance? I rode a bike as a kid, but I've never been able to ride one at what is considered "the right height" because that means not being able to touch the ground without tipping the bike, and I'm no good at that. And riding slowly, or turning loose of the handlebars, no way. So I don't know if he'll ever get the hang of it either.