I'm looking for advice on how to help my son learn to ride a bike. (11 years old, dysgraphia, motor coordination issues)

To be honest, I care a lot more about it than he does. He says he can die a happy old man without learning to ride a bike, but I keep thinking that with each new challenge he's mastered (like tying his shoes, zipping zippers, etc.), it's made marked improvements in other areas.

We tried training wheels when he was younger, but pushing the pedals was too difficult at that age. Now he cares what his peers think and won't let me put training wheels on a bike that fits him. We've tried the running beside him holding the bike, but it's like he can't engage his core stomach muscles to help hold the bike up.

Any tips that made it easier to help an older child ride a bike? We're thinking of getting him a more expensive, lighter bike that won't be so heavy to hold up, but I also don't want it to be a bad experience for him either.