Originally Posted by aculady
People who are not really familiar with giftedness and the many different ways that it can manifest often equate gifted with being mentally "quick" (having high processing speed) or with having good working memory (for example, being able to do complex mental math without writing out problems). Your child is likely to NOT present this way. This does not mean that she is not gifted. Typically, gifted children with these sorts of issues do best in an environment that is providing instruction at their challenge level (which helps maintain focus and attention) with appropriate supports and accommodations (such as extended time for tests and assignments, planners, checklists, etc.) to help with organization and attention issues.
Great Post Aculady and Cricket 2 -
My son has very high Verbal and Perceptual and high Working Mem, but similar to your child in Processing Speed. He did turn out to have ADHD, but it took a gradeskip and puberty before the picture became clear to me. Challenging material (and medication) help him focus and he's been doing very well lately.

The first thing to consider is that the difference between 90 and 100 is very small - because you are in the 'meaty middle.' So you can say that the Processing speed is average. If it weren't for the internal stress of having so much to say, then it wouldn't be a problem. I call this a 'bottleneck' instead of a 'disability' although there is no official term as far as I know. Still it's enough for the child to feel uncomfortable inside their own skin.

Best Wishes,

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