Ditto what Aculady said. My dd11 has a similar WISC profile albeit with higher VCI and PRI but similar WMI and PSI. She, too, has ADD and does not present in a school setting as nearly as gifted as her IQ scores appear. A lot of this is due to slow reading, erratic achievement, mistakes, and divergent thinking.

I've had a number of teachers insinuate that she isn't gifted at all and others who think that she is brilliant. The ones who correlate gifted with fast reproduction of taught materials don't see the gifts. The ones who see the ability to create new ideas (she developed a new way to divide in 4th grade that was quite creative), see it.

My kiddo is in a very structured middle school right now and I have mixed feeling about some of the way things are taught. They are definitely focusing on her weaknesses -- memory, attention to detail, etc. There is a good amount of drill in English in particular with sentence diagramming, working on parts of speech, structure, etc. Dd isn't great at that type of stuff and feels that her English teacher, who frequently tells them about her own gifted kids and their lexile scores, etc., doesn't understand the difference btwn gifted and high achieving (despite a Masters in GT and LD!).

On one hand, the structure is good for her to force her hand on organization and paying attention to stuff she normally doesn't. On the other hand, it really doesn't play to her strengths.

Is your dd having difficulty in school or are they able to accommodate her? We found that, despite slower PSI scores, dd11 isn't really slower at processing. Her scores on that part of the WISC were due to mistakes not speed. Extra time hasn't been an accommodation that has helped, therefore. We're trying caffeine (tea), gum chewing in class, and supplements with omega 3s. I'm also trying to get magnesium into her but she fights me on everything and getting her to take one supplement seems to be the most I can do at this point.