Originally Posted by aculady
These results indicate that she is definitely gifted, but that she has challenges in the areas of working memory and processing speed. These areas almost certainly create frustration for her, and may make her feel that she is not really smart. People who are not really familiar with giftedness and the many different ways that it can manifest often equate gifted with being mentally "quick" (having high processing speed) or with having good working memory (for example, being able to do complex mental math without writing out problems). Your child is likely to NOT present this way. This does not mean that she is not gifted. Typically, gifted children with these sorts of issues do best in an environment that is providing instruction at their challenge level (which helps maintain focus and attention) with appropriate supports and accommodations (such as extended time for tests and assignments, planners, checklists, etc.) to help with organization and attention issues.

My dd also had similar results with high VCI and PRI but much lower in WMI and PSI and what you wrote speaks volumes to me. She is extremely frustrated in school and thinks she's stupid because she has trouble retaining simple info and doesn't get things as quick as others. So b/c of this she thinks she's stupid, which couldn't be further from the truth. It's very disheartening for me and I don't know how to get her to understand that she's actually very intelligent. I wish I could get her to see her strengths instead of focusing on her weaknesses.