Originally Posted by dv8
Regarding decoding or comprehension, I think it's comprehension. I do get a little confused on what it means that kids with aspergers have great reading skills but little comprehension.

Mine comprehends well, actually, but his fiction comprehension level is more at age level, whereas his nonfiction level is somewhere sky-high, and he sometimes misses social nuances or characters' inner motivations in the stories.

With a gifted AS child, you have to throw out a certain number of the "can'ts" that are often expressed about AS kids. The core problems that affect my DS from his AS are social skills, self-control especially around strong interests, and executive function issues.

Originally Posted by dv8
He also seems to get abstract thinking fairly well. ...at least I think he gets it.

Mine has always been highly abstract. More particle physics than Newton.

How are your DS's relationships with peers?
