Sounds a lot like my son (ADHD). I think it just exacerbates all the underlying things that go along with being gifted. His sense of fairness is amplified by like a thousand and he'll freak out and have a fit. His perfectionism has gotten so bad he was literally crying last week at school because they were going to have a math test later that morning and he was afraid he was going to FAIL it. This, from a kid that gets 100's on nearly everything.

We've started him on concerta and it's really helped him. He still has his meltdowns (like the math test one) but overall his issues have gone from being multiple times a day to maybe 2 times a week. (We are doing counseling as well.)

If your son does have ADHD, I'd recommend talking to psychiatrist about meds. Some kids have some success with just therapy, but if he has a real problem with executive function, nothing's really going to help him as much as meds will.
