Your son will enjoy his new freedom, which can include freedom from draconian group punishments and freedom from depressing, boring (to boys) female-centric YA lit smile

In case this is helpful: I developed DS11's reading list after looking at the curriculum and summer reading lists of our local upper crust private boys' school. The books are much more male-friendly and accessible.

Another idea: make the lit more meaningful by tying it in with social studies/history. For example, read an age appropriate version of Gilgamesh while studying ancient civ. Now that's a story a boy can love. Friendship, battles, a hero's journey. For WWII try The Art of Keeping Cool and Code Talker instead of the usual fare.

Find some excellent local resources: homeschool groups (inclusive groups are usually more academically oriented), science centers, parks and recreation offices, and libraries often have activities and classes for HS kids.

Enjoy your journey!

Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.