Originally Posted by chris1234
thanks all; I am feeling good about the decision, so I think it must be the right one. [....]
Now mainly wondering whether to put this through 'asap', or wait til end of semester/christmas.
Any thoughts on taking this slow at this point?

None of my business--but I'll give you my opinion anyway! If it were me, I'd leave school right now, and just read books and bake and make homemade Christmas presents and do some messy experiments in the kitchen....and then jump into something a little more structured, if that's what he and you are wanting, in January--New Year, New Beginning. Just start your "holidays" a little bit early this year; he'll have fun and feel supported, you'll have fun and have a little more time to gather up ideas about how you want to approach homeschooling and to gather up materials to use, too.

Hope all goes well for all of your family, Chris--
