take it from the latest *reluctant* homeschooler, you CAN do better!

I don't know what your other school options might be, but we decided on an independent study option from our district (so I don't have to buy any books and we have other resources available). I can keep Butter (DD8) on track with district standards and timeline, in case we decide to go back, but she doesn't have to do any busywork and can read whatever books she wants...she's been accepted to the drawing class (6th grade +) so she will spend 3 HOURS doing art on Friday mornings. We are VERY HAPPY.

I think if you think you can make it work, go for it! For sure he will get more out of self directed reading, helping prepare meals at home...and Butter is going to start a free online french lesson Monday, you can probably find one too. And the deschooling...leave lots of time for daydreaming....

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...