This is my first post. So far, I've done a lot of lurking and have learned a lot reading your posts. We are struggling with our 7 year old son, and I'd love to hear some thoughts or suggestions about where to go with his education.

Our son is in 2nd grade. We had him evaluated last year, because his teacher felt he was ADHD, mainly due to attention issues. Findings were significant dysgraphia and dyslexia, plus ADD. He also has coordination issues and huge sensory issues. I am not even sure if he would qualify as gifted, but his WISC scores were described as "gifted" for the first portions (Verbal and Perceptual) and low for working memory and processing speed (which was in something like the 5th percentile.)

He also took the Woodcock-Johnson, with variable results. As expected, reading skills were very weak. His achievement in math, vocabulary and a catagory for general academic knowledge was better than expected (scored 3-4 grade levels above 1st grade, when he was tested.)

At a recent parent-teacher conference, his teacher and LD teacher brought up that he may be gifted, along with his learning disablities. At the same time, they said he'd never pass the test to get into the gifted program, because he'd have to read the test himself (which he is currently not capable of doing.) This really bothers me but I don't know what can be done about it. I can see their point about needing to read the test on his own.

I apologize if this is coming accross and jumbled and incomplete. I really have no idea where to go with all this, should we just focus on the reading & writing now, and explore the gifted "stuff" at some time in the future?

I'd love to hear some suggestions from those who have been there.