Originally Posted by Giftodd
They completely dismissed dd's work saying that because the books give explicit instructions on what to do (i.e. "Find the area of each of the following in cm2" etc), this doesn't count. They said in class she simply follows the instruction given and no more, where as some other children are expanding on what is asked.

I have struggled, initially, with this idea. �I just wondered where my son's natural zone of proximal development is �if I'm googling early education ideas to stay one step ahead of his zpd so I can be a guide. � �I'll probably cut and paste the links later but you've probably read all the same articles I have- Summary:
>>gifted kids need teachers, parents, and coaches too. << . To me that means, well, let me quote a Well Trained Mind siggy., "The ability to learn on one�s own is normally the result of a good education, not the cause of it."
~Classical Education & the Homeschool

So well done for following the directions well, that's how most children usually learn. �So, this post is probably validating but not practical as far as how to get your kids and the school system to adapt to meet each other's needs. Sorry the year did a bait n switch with a good-fit teacher to start off the year with.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar