Play therapy can be really fun at this age. We used to use DS's stuffed animals to set up a little situation. For example, when DS was switching schools (he was a bit older than your DS), we took a little dolphin toy. I read his tag, "Wow," I said, " Dolphie was made in China. China is a long way from here. How do you think Dolphie felt right before he left all his old friend to come to America?" And DS told me how scared Dolphie was and worried and excited. And I knew that was how DS felt, but DS didn't know we'd done therapy.

You could take for example a mommy dinosaur, a daddy dinosaur, and a "baby" dinosaur and see what he does with his "family." Ask him questions about why they are doing what they are doing. You might see patterns: Does daddy go to the hospital? Does he sleep a lot? Does mommy cry or yell? Just watch and ask a few questions and you should be able to discern a lot about what matters to him right now and what he is noticing. They are pretty transparent at this age. You just have to get down on the floor and relax and listen.