I love that question - what is a school? Sometimes we lose ourselves in thinking the big picture is just a decision about school buildings... love it.

It doesn't answer the question but I loved the story once told of the average district and the fancy one. The neighbors in the average district hear the schools are doing great things for that smart little Bobby. He is sent the bldg with higher grades for some classes, and the lower bldg even shifts gym classes around so he doesn't miss them. The neighbors all rejoice - what a great place to live. The neighbors in the fancy district hear "that Bobby kid's parents" think he is special and are getting more for him. They talk about suing the school.

As an adult I have found more acceptance sometimes in so-called average circles where folks don't mind telling you they didn't understand the words you just used vs the fancy ciricles where you get a look like you are the one who is nuts.

The challenge is always this perception of ratings - of quality bricks and mortar - etc. But who is willing to just say - some kids are wired differently, all children have gifts not all children are gifted. A school that won't see you for who you are can make for a long journey of mini-battles.

But Austin's fundamental question is excellent! One we could stand to ask ourselves throughout our journey raising gt kids.