Originally Posted by Deonne
@polar - well even with the discrepancy in the VCI/PSI, his PSI is still average. But, to answer the question - yes she did about 4 hours of testing. He does not have DCD - he is just slow at writing and has quicker thoughts than fingers. He is actually really athletic and plays multiple sports pretty well. Plus there is a family history of ADHD.

Deonne, I didn't mean to imply that your ds has DCD - but wanted to point out that there may be a reason that is behind the discrepancy in processing speed vs VIQ which would be helped with accommodations that have nothing to do with ADHD. FWIW, my ds, with DCD and the similar discrepancy in scores, has a PSI above average, and the first time he went through IQ testing the pscyh who did the eval thought nothing of the discrepancy other than that he was a young kid who "liked to take his time". When he had his full eval with neuropscyh testing beyond IQ and achievement testing it took approximately 8 hours. The additional tests that he had were called NEPSY, Beery VMI (visual motor integration), and a bunch of other tests that I can't remember the names of!

I'm not against ADHD meds at all, and I am a firm believer in parents knowing their children best. At one point our ped suspected my oldest dd of having ADHD, and her words of wisdom were that it wouldn't hurt to try ADHD meds because you would see a change relatively quickly if the person really is ADHD, the meds would help. If the person wasn't ADHD they wouldn't help. I wouldn't give the meds a try without having a diagnosis, and our dd, like our ds, ultimately didn't have an ADHD diagnosis so we never tried meds. But if she'd been diagnosed with ADHD, I would have been willing to give them a try.

Best wishes,


Last edited by polarbear; 11/08/11 11:33 PM.