Our son received an official diagnosis of ADHD just this last month. We knew he was ADHD from the time he was a toddler, but didn't want to medicate, so we managed it as best we could. This year was the tipping point and we could no longer manage it with diet and positive reinforcement at home.

We are pursuing meds for our son, but that is only because he reached a point where his behavior was impacting every area of his life, not just school. That said, the one nice thing about ADHD meds is that you do not need to take them for weeks/months to see if they have an impact, nor do you have to wean the kids off of them. If a med isn't working you simply stop taking it. I would discuss this with the psychologist.

My son's been on concerta now for about 5 days and he hasn't had a 'tantrum' in class since he started it. He still struggles, but now he's able to control himself.

Good luck!

ETA: If you want to try something before meds, I'd recommend altering his diet. Basically, nothing pre-packaged, nothing with dye and strictly limit sugar (including 'natural' sugars.) We do rice krisipies or cheerios for breakfast (or eggs if there is time), ham and cheese sandwhich with chips and sugar-free pudding for lunch, and then a homemade dinner.

Last edited by epoh; 11/08/11 12:58 PM.
