drumroll please...we chose...
Independent Study, or the homeschool "school", at least for the time being. The math has troubled her less since we've been working at home, especially the past couple of days...we don't HAVE to go in for the classroom time, but it's only 3 hours a week (after which she can have lunch at the school with friends) and they do science experiments that I might not have the resources for at home. They also have a peer tutoring lab and the school goes all the way to high school. Music, art, spanish and other clubs, etc that you participate in at the school. Plus computer lab and library and I don't have to pay for the materials...also, the same teacher does 3rd and 4th, so she knows what's coming next, if DD stays in 3rd. If it turns out she should go to 4th, all we have to do is switch books and classroom days. Today we visited the 4th grade and there were only 6 students! Also, since it goes to high school, the peer tutoring lab might be a great place to find a mentor...

Oh and they have lunch available...today it was sunbutter and jelly sandwich, baby carrots, apple slices and milk. Butter proclaimed it far superior to the "tray" lunch from her former school. She is excited about trying a new school and I'm so happy!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...