Originally Posted by La Texican
The only problem with homeschooling is that it makes your kid not fit the public school schedule so well, but if they don't already fit.... Congrats on the new bend in the road to a higher education.

You mean like if they are late sleepers? DD was already at a late start school, but they get up at 7am regardless...her sister still goes out to K at a private school, so we have to leave the house at a certain time and I'm not a "sleeper iner"...

Or do you mean like racing through math and spending hours on reading when the regular school is more rigid?

Our dissatisfaction with the previous school is so great that I am tempted to run around it, yelling at them how they cannot MAKE ME do ANYTHING! lol! So,at this point, I have adopted an attitude where the school MUST be willing to accomodate my DD, at least SOME. There should be SOME compromise, otherwise we will homeschool until we find the "right" other school...

Even if she was wanting to take Physics (which I did not take), DH was an electrician on nuclear subs in the Navy. He excelled in all the places I didn't, which is pretty funny actually, so I think we can manage at least elementary school...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...