Epoh, if you think something else is going on, I'd recommend a complete neuropsych workup so you know exactly what that something is. (ADHD+anxious freakouts can be Asperger's, BTW, though it can be other things too.)

(Getting a full workup has the side effect of giving you a really solid picture of strengths as well as weaknesses, as well as having good evidence to give to school to get an IEP in place. We have used the neuropsych report to help get proper math placement, for instance.)

I also recommend finding the most expert prescriber you can. I would not let our (otherwise very good) pediatrician manage meds for ADHD or other developmental disabilities-- we see a developmental pediatrician who's seen lots and lots of kids with related disorders, and has a much better read on fine-tuning meds to get good results.
