not in preschool, if that's what you mean...

but yes...pretty much from the beginning of kinder. It wasn't even holiday break before the teacher is calling or talking to me...DD crumpled her paper and cried that it wasn't good enough after the teacher complimented her seahorse drawing...DD is reading behind other texts...DD used a WHOLE TUBE of chapstick on her ENTIRE FACE. Or you mean more like that time they called me from school to say my DD had told other kids that if you mixed things from under the sink, they would make a poison that could kill people? (She didn't say you SHOULD!) By the end of the year, the teacher was getting her books from the 2nd grade classroom and she had racked up more "So Sad" notices than any other girl and only 2 boys (who later got IEPs) had more *sigh*

It has been an uphill battle since DAY ONE and even though she tested "gifted" last year, they CONTINUE to REFUSE to consider that her behavior may be a result of understimulation or a LD. They refused us LD testing based on her stellar standarzied test scores...This year's (NOW FORMER) teacher chastized me for not punishing her MORE SEVERLY at home after a "red card day" and that was just the last straw for me! Now we are having an evaluation (IQ, Acheivment testing, IOWA acceleration), playing hookey and "school shopping"...

Problems for my DD, starting at 5 and continuing through now, age 8 are generally non-compliance, refusing to do work that does not interest her, reading under her desk when it's time to do other things...occasionally (about once a year) she has gotten physical with another kid, again, usually in reaction to something..often it's because they bumped her first in line or got in her "personal space", which she defends like the Great Wall of China. She mostly does not do things like get up and touch or otherwise bother other students, fight, etc...She doesn't swear, threaten or bully, throw tantrums or act out in a "showy" manner. Too embaressing for her!
They also like to use words like oppositional (like they can diagnose or something), defiant, anxious or depressed...emotionally charged words that really do not belong in the conversation...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...