We noticed our younger DS5 was bright and quick, but also noticed he was not as driven academically than his older brother, DS7.

We were pretty hands off with him until he left daycare. It was there in the new environment that his giftedness started to peak out.

We signed him up for Kumon like we did with our oldest. That environment really blossomed his talent for math

We have skipped him 2 grades and he is doing fine and is being challenged. Working on his multiplication tables now and learning cursive.

He is A-level in Kumon in both English and Math and currently in 2nd grade. The teachers in his class are speculating he may be able to jump another be we said to wait until Jan. and let's do a review.

Last edited by Cawdor; 10/31/11 11:29 AM.

DS9 - Starting 9th grade
DS7 - Starting 5th grade