I've been focusing recently on DS7 bored in 1st grade . . . now I just got a call from the school that they've scheduled the gifted staffing meeting for DD5 in kindergarten, and I'm not sure what to do.

Let me say that DS is a "typical" HG/PG child -- several grades ahead in most subject areas; requires constant mental stimulation; endless questions; learns topics of interest in astounding depth, etc.

DD5 is a kind of typical easygoing, happy kid; makes friends easily; doesn't seem to have any special talents or area of interest; doesn't care to learn anything in much depth, nor grasp concepts readily. Her specialty is "silly" rather than "smart." Until her WPPSI this spring, I assumed she was a little above average and wouldn't qualify for the gifted program at all.

So imagine my surprise when she scored a 148 on the WPPSI at age 4 and 10 mos. Her milestones are significant for 1st word at 8 months; wrote her name without any teaching before she was 3; sounding out words before she was 4 -- though still reads only at a K level.

She complains of boredom in K, though I suspect that some of that is imitation of her older brother. She doesn't seem to find the homework especially easy (nor is it especially hard).

So I'm not sure what to ask for with her educational plan. Any thoughts? Does anyone else here have a "stealth gifted" child?