Got a call from the principal today . . . she wanted to make sure I understood that I was "deferring placement" for DD for this year (kindergarten).

There were supposed to be 2 gifted K classes -- a full class and an "overflow" mixed class. DD's in the 2nd class b/c DS ruined any relationship we had with the "regular" gifted teacher last year. Seems like a lot of the gited kids from her class got moved into the other class. There are only a few gifted kids left in the class. She's happy and learning. So I leave her where she is, right?

We had a parent-teacher meeting today. The teacher feels like DD is doing great, seems happy, learning, doesn't already know everything. We discussed some moderate acceleration for math.

Anyhow, we'll staff her, and the teacher is pretty accomodating, so if she's suddenly dying of boredom, we can find ways to challenge her.