Another poster wrote about stealth dyslexia in a recent post. How do you know if your child has it? I've been concerned for the past couple of months that DS6 perhaps has mild dyslexia because he sounds out words and syllables backwards sometimes, inserts sounds into words that aren't there, leaves out sounds that are there, and mixes up similar sight words. His reading continues to be a struggle compared to his critical thinking and math/science skills.

His first grade teacher says this is normal first grade reading behavior, and the testing specialist who did his IQ testing in 2010 and his KTEA testing last April said that he showed as advanced in reading (although only by 6 months, compared to 2+ years in math), but agrees that his reading skills are anomalous considering the rest of his cognitive abilities are one to two years ahead. His FSIQ is 130 (98th percentile) and verbal subtest is 137 (99th percentile) on the WPPSI. Processing speed is down at 55th percentile (don't remember the exact score).

For awhile I thought he couldn't have dyslexia - he's in the advanced reading class, although in one of the lower groups in the advanced class, and his KTEA test showed him about 6 months advanced for his age. Then I started wondering if the rest of his smarts are covering it up - for a child whose cognitive abilities are one to two years ahead, reading at grade level is really reading one to two years behind.

DH has some of the same reading issues DS has, which also makes me wonder if it's something more than just a child who's slow in reading.

So how do you know if your child has stealth dyslexia versus having a child who's just stronger in math/science and slower in reading?