Thanks for the encouragement, Kriston and Mia. I like your tip, Kriston. I really do need to look at evidence that would differentiate her from MG. I'm working on one now to demonstrate precocity. I'm thinking of her early (just turned 4) fascination with WWII and how that spun off in all kinds of directions.

She was very verbal from an early age and we assumed she'd be a great reader. It turns out that her most apparent (on a standardized test anyway) strength is math, and reading is coming a little bit slower. I'm not sure if it has to do with her being in a dual language immersion program. I'm reading Infinity and Zebra Stripes and I am finding similarities in the author's son and DD (math talented, decline in reading interest, school's hesitance to accelerate in math because of language barrier).

Eema, I believe the Gifted Development Center recommends that if there are two or more subtests with 18/19 then child should be retested with SB-LM. I can't say much more about what the results from the SBLM could tell you except that the WISC may be underestimating ability (don't know if it can be used diagnostically).